“a woan?(一个女人?)”郁时歪了歪头:“how oldwhat does she look like(多少岁,长什么样子?)”
佩奇·沃尔夫思索片刻,继续说:“it was an eastern face she seed to be her forties i don"t know aybe…… it"s been too long and i can"t reber what she looked like”
“at that ti, i followed the anar of the headarters to py ridder state and happened to et her an alley”
“i thought she was a bit pitiful beg alone and vited her for a cup of ffee she gave this letter”
说着,佩奇·沃尔夫指了指图片上的信封:“i reber this envelope becae it"s a yellow envelope with a ffee sta on it it was aidentally ade by when i was havg ffee at that ti”
“she gave you the envelope and you aepted it(她给你信封你就接下了?)”乔治·拉威尔皱着眉打断佩奇·沃尔夫。
佩奇·沃尔夫点点头:“i d